Monday, August 28, 2006

Cuckoo Clock

This is one of the best redesign cuckoo clock retaining the character of a classic cuckoo. And I think it is a good idea to paint your own pattern to create an unique one. <moma> <SCP><mocoloco>

wood craft picture frame

Baroque crafted wooden frame and... a deer. So good. <ID Chicago>

reform classic frame

This frame is called "my brother's frame". This big brother size 24"X 19"and weight 16lbs. Too big for me but it is really pretty.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

which one is better for my home?

It is available now in Flea and Cents<domestic>

攻殻機動隊 robot

This is the proto robo of the animation "Ghost in the Shell". Very detail and high mobility
Here is the movie. <robo-garage>

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

moving in new plants

With the smell of new furniture diminishing, I am planned to put more plants. But still, I have not decided what to put in the concrete planter.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hitec RoboNova-I

No programme needs. Look at this stupid motion. It's fun.