Monday, October 23, 2006

I brought concrete from Taiwan

A very fruitful journey!!, It was planned to visit some museums in Taipei, Taichung, or Juming gallery. But there is an extra bonus- There was a small market place outside eslite booktore, selling creative goods all made by Taiwan Teens. And there is a large society called campo that brings them together- a new culture of living art. damn cool! The first tiny small planter below is made by one of the unit <0416x1024>. Waiting to visit Taiwan again

Another concrete item was imported from japan<pull+push> which I want to order long time before.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

dolly switch

Why no one uses these pretty switches and regards those clipsal as the standard beauty?

Monday, October 16, 2006

4 in 1

I like the words "Different from others and want to be special", but somehow it seems a bit contradict when everyone is different from others, what's so special. When people are discussing MP3, ipod, something flashes in my mind which recalls my wish of having a portable cassette player: a very simple, mono audio, mechanical cassette player with radio. However, it is hard to get a new one now. Instead, here is a subsitution which catch my attention. This sanyo music system can play CD, radio, cassette and SD card. Seems the manufacturer does not forget the consumer group like me. <sanyo>

amimal farm

I remember Lane Crawford carried ibride products before. If it has this series of shelves available, I may want to get one beagle or bambi. <ibride>

water lily

That's a coffee table formed by small pieces of water lily. Good match to my wall decal below